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Together Everyone Achieve More




Roman Cannon

Ready to get wet! This is going to be a fantastic summer dash activity!

Your group is divided into smaller teams and will be given bamboo, ropes, water bucket to construct their Roman Cannon. There are many variations to facilitate this event. During the course of the event, teams will have to deal with several curve balls that are not uncommon in the real world, such as, project modifications, staff changes or material shortages. At each stage teams will have the opportunity to change roles so that everyone in the group has a chance to be the project lead.

Teams will be responsible for building and testing a functional Cannon. At the end of the building process, teams need to test the Cannon by hitting the target or your team members. 



Team work, communication, trust, personal discipline



1.5 hours



Social Responsibility

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Tel : (852)  2984 1668


Address :  Por Mee Factory Building, 500 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon

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