Productivity Workshop : Email Handyman
Control your email;
don’t let it control you.

Does this sound like you?
-Your inbox is always overflowing.
-Your computer and smartphone are continuously buzzing with email interruptions, keeping you from your “real” work.
-Managing email is taking more time than it should.
-You’re losing sight of what’s important in all the clutter.
-You keep falling behind, and everybody seems to be waiting for a response.

Wouldn’t you rather be this person?
-You empty your inbox every day, using your desktop or smartphone to quickly process everything that comes in.
-You have more oversight of your tasks and pending requests; you feel more calm and in control.
-People know they can depend on you to respond on time and meet deadlines.
-You work quickly and efficiently, without distraction.
-Email helps you, not hinders you; it’s not taking over your life, leaving you plenty of time for the “real” work you do.