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Productivity Workshop : Email Handyman

Control your email;
              don’t let it control you.

Does this sound like you?

-Your inbox is always overflowing.

-Your computer and smartphone are continuously buzzing with email interruptions, keeping you from your “real” work.

-Managing email is taking more time than it should.

-You’re losing sight of what’s important in all the clutter.

-You keep falling behind, and everybody seems to be waiting for a response.

Wouldn’t you rather be this person?

-You empty your inbox every day, using your desktop or smartphone to quickly process everything that comes in.

-You have more oversight of your tasks and pending requests; you feel more calm and in control.

-People know they can depend on you to respond on time and meet deadlines.

-You work quickly and efficiently, without distraction.

-Email helps you, not hinders you; it’s not taking over your life, leaving you plenty of time for the “real” work you do.

Good news!
                  You can do this, easily, and we can show you how.

Contact Us:

Adventure Asia Limited 

Tel : (852)  2984 1668


Address :  Por Mee Factory Building, 500 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon

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